Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Resisting the Urge

Phrases and sentences keep popping into my head and honoring the tradition of not starting until the actual time-to-start I am unable to do anything but jot them down as vague sketches in Evernote for later retrieval. I've been at this for a while and some of the older notes no longer even make sense. Here now, I share with you the current basis of this year's Nano:

"Melville Dewey's life & times plus ??? Decimal. The intrigue, romance, betrayal, etc. that accompanied their creation of the Dewey Decimal system.
John Decimal -- his friends call him Dec. Detective?"

"He used to get his best ideas this way....."

"they look at those photos and think 'he had a home? he had a childhood? a mother?''"

"Scene with Dui getting high and trying to create music. "The ukulele comes out." Dui's friends call to him to come out with them. No, he says. No. Waking up in the morning, sheets strewn about, dots all over, nothing melodic, listenable."

"Name changes

Dewey constantly switching spelling/pronunciation of name:


dots->black birds; fleeting rainbow; gray sky; his mother's voice"

persistence of dots -- failed attempts to do something with dots: sheet music, scatter point graphs, candy(hah!), braille, morse code..."

"There are safer places for my heart to be than in your hands."

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