So, as we learned in the previous blog entry (written a scant 5 minutes ago) neglect has been the buzzword of the weekend. Lack of sleep combined with lack of interest led to a serious slacking off. Good thing Assassin's Creed 2 came out last Tuesday. Haven't even cracked Left 4 Dead 2 yet....
Right now I am covered partly in champagne, partly in water, and completely in shame. No, just kidding about the shame. Kinda.
But seriously -- 2AM this morning, I just started typing, and before I knew it, I'd actually figured out an ending. A tie-in. An explanation. I know what caused Dui's apocalypse, what caused his break down. And yeah, it is all in his head. Problem is I don't know how to tie it back to the meat of the thing, and so I have this huge chunk of words that need to be at the end, need to be the end, and I'm just kinda dragging it all out to make sure I have something to write about because if I end it, it's all gonna be over.
Sitting at 43,091 words. I don't know what word 40,000 was. Or when it was. But, hey, what'cha gonna do? Hope to finish before Thursday.
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